The chaos game and the Sierpinski triangle

The chaos game is played as follows. Pick a starting point at random. Then at each subsequent step, pick a triangle vertex at random and move half way from the current position to that vertex.

The result looks like a fractal called the Sierpinski triangle or Sierpinski gasket.

Here’s an example:

Unbiased chaos game results

If the random number generation is biased, the resulting triangle will show it. In the image below, the lower left corner was chosen with probability 1/2, the top with probability 1/3, and the right corner with probability 1/6.

Biased chaos game results

Here’s Python code to play the chaos game yourself.

from scipy import sqrt, zeros
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import random, randint

def midpoint(p, q):
    return (0.5*(p[0] + q[0]), 0.5*(p[1] + q[1]))

# Three corners of an equilateral triangle
corner = [(0, 0), (0.5, sqrt(3)/2), (1, 0)]

N = 1000
x = zeros(N)
y = zeros(N)

x[0] = random()
y[0] = random()
for i in range(1, N):
    k = randint(0, 2) # random triangle vertex
    x[i], y[i] = midpoint( corner[k], (x[i-1], y[i-1]) )
plt.scatter(x, y)


Source: Chaos and Fractals

from The Endeavour